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Will Throwing A Cricket Ball Against A Wall And Hitting It Improves Our Batting?

A lot of people say that throwing a cricket ball against a wall and hitting it improves batting. But on the other hand, some people claim that it is not true. This has left beginner players in a big confusion. They are confused about whether they should do it or not. So here we have brought the reality behind this speculation, read this entire blog to know whether you should do it or not and whether it improves your or not.

Cricket Ball

Will Throwing A Cricket Ball Against A Wall And Hitting It Improves Our Batting?

The reality behind this speculation is that throwing a cricket ball at a wall and hitting it does not improve our batting. It is because the ball is made up of leather and some thick material. It is analyzed that when it is hit on a hard surface such as a wall, it does not bounce as much as it bounces when it is hit on the pitch.

The cricket ball also loses its shine when it is hit hard on the wall and the ball becomes old faster. So throwing a ball against a wall and hitting it is not a good idea at all even for throwing practice and even for improving batting. This is not the right way to improve batting.

Also read: What Kind Of Tennis Ball Is The Best?

Best Way To Improve Batting

According to cricket experts, the best way to improve batting skills is to take a cricket ball and put it in socks. Then tie the belt with rope to the socks and tie the other side of the rope to some handbag at your home so the balls which are in the socks will be hanging and the person with the bat can practice defense precisely front foot defense and back foot defense also.

Practicing on one shot for a long time makes you completely perfectionist in that shot by doing more shadow practice. It is one of the best practices to improve your batting with a cricket ba should must try it at your home or wherever you practice practice.

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