Do you know why the side screen in cricket is called the side screen when it is completely straight? Maybe not? This is a question that is asked by many people because there is no clear answer find of this question till now. But here we have brought a proper clarified answer to this question. To know the answer, read this blog now.
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What Is A Side Screen?
The side screen in cricket is a large screen placed at the side of the field. It is behind the arm of the bowler to give a clear background for the batsman to see the ball properly as it is bowled towards them.
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Why Is The Side Screen In Cricket Called The Side Screen When It Is Straight?
In cricket, the side screen is called the side screen because of history, these screens are positioned at the sides of the field in a perpendicular line of sight between the batsman and the bowler.
This side screen in cricket is placed directly behind the bowler in a completely straight line. The term likely originated from the earlier placement of screens at the sides of the field. This name has continued to be used out of tradition and convention within the sport.